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Autoprovisioning from 2 different tenants

Posted by cchavez on Thu, 09/24/2009

Hello everybody,

I'd like to know if there is possible to autoprovisioning an Polycom 330, (it support 2 lines), autoprovisioning line 1 from tenant 'a' and line 2 from tenant 'b' ,

Please this is very important , we are customers of thirdlane.

Thank you everybody.


Submitted by moshe on Fri, 09/25/2009 Permalink

I had the same issue, it is not possible with auto provisiong (it will only remembwr the last one) the only thing you could do is provision tenant A than go into the mec.conf file and add it manually

You will have to remember not auto provision again if yes it will lose all the manually entered data