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Call parking config is broken

Posted by biznet on Mon, 02/11/2019

We just upgraded to and Call parking has changed pretty radically in Asterisk 13. We had a custom config for a large MTE tenant that wanted separate parking lots for each of its locations (but they all on Tenant in MTE. It appears to my Unix guy that the new asterisk parking lot module is commented out after the update.

Here are questions he has about it:

He created and empty parking config file
and was able to load the parking module.

* why was there no /etc/asterisk/res_parking.include created?
* is creating an empty file at that location an acceptable fix?

Is it expected behavior to comment out the new parking module on this update?


Submitted by biznet on Mon, 02/11/2019 Permalink

Looks like none of our tenants have any entries in the DB for parking lots. Thirdlane?
Were were able to manually add them after rigging around the new module conf file and loading it,

Is this expected? What do we do for the rest of the tenants??

Fortunately, we don't have many, using parking. Advice Thirdlane?

Submitted by volodya on Mon, 02/11/2019 Permalink


What is the current version of Webmin on your system?

Submitted by biznet on Tue, 02/12/2019 Permalink

We think we figured out the issue and post this here as a question, but also in case others have had this issue... We DID have some custom stuff going on and the install MAY have been smart enough to figure that out, and not reference the below include. which is why we had to do this;

why didn't the upgrade add res_parking.include to
/etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf, to tell the plugin to get its config out of the
DB? The file was refreshed as part of the upgrade, but nothing was added to

We added this to the /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf:
"res_parking.include => mysql,pbxconf,ast_static_config"

We hope this is ok to do? Thirdlane?? It seems to have fixed the "no call parking on any tenant" problem we had with the upgrade.