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BlackList And Click to Call

Posted by aponnath on Mon, 12/17/2018

Based on lack of docs i will have to ask here...

a) Blacklist, i can create a entry on a per user for which i want a certain nbr to be blocked. This question is a 3 part one.
1) can i use wildcards to block nbrs from calling to prevent calls from a certain range like 213334**** or so
to deal with spoofed calls ?
2) Does Thirdlane support a system wide blacklist ? so that a nbr does not have to be entered for each
3) What table in the mysql stores the blacklisted nbr's and is there a way to use a script to import a listof
nbrs to block ?

b) does Thirdlane have a script or building block which allows me to call a function or webservice which acts similar to the call back of connect client where it calls extension, once answered will call the 3 party ?

if not will using AMI or ARI to do it directly cause any problems with Thirdlane ?

Submitted by volodya on Tue, 12/18/2018 Permalink

On Multitenant system you have few options to blacklist incoming calls:

  • System wide. System Management => Telephony Settings => Dialing Permissions => Inbound. Make sure to create dafault rule. It could be Allow rule with _X. pattern to allow all incomming calls that will not match any other more specific rules. I case if your carrier prepends "+" symbol to Caller ID Number befault allow pattern should be _+X. Follow instructions on the page for correct configuration.
  • Tenant wide. Selected Tenant Management => Call Routing => Dialing Permissions => Inbound. Reccomendations are the same as for previous option
  • Per user. Can be configured by user or administrator in User Portal. Settings => Call Blocking. User can access User Portal by entering Web Username and Password from User Extension configuration. Those are same credentials that are used for Thirdlane Connect.

Communications Manager allows to create your own dial scripts. You can clone and modyfy any of default ones. Please clarify required behavior.

Submitted by aponnath on Tue, 12/18/2018 Permalink

thanks, but in the regular business system i can not see any of the 2 top options.

Ideally i would like to create a script which either makes a db call to check if nbr is in list and rejects based on that. as with the amount of spam and spoof calls the list might grow huge.

As for the other script or function i am looking for is something i can call from my own app to call an extension and then create an outbound call and bridge the 2 calls together. Similar to the connect call back method where it calls mobile phone and on answer makes the outbound call. If not is there any issue using AMI or ARI to do this ?.

Submitted by volodya on Wed, 12/19/2018 Permalink

Single tenant version of the system has one system wide option. It can be configured under Call Routing => Dialing Permissions => Inbound. Per user settings are also available.

Yes, you can create dial script which can have ODBC function or call external command/system script to query database for custom logic.

Asterisk has few options to initiate the call. If all you need is just to start the call and forget about it - Asterisk Call Files option might be the most easy one to start with.