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REST API Showing 502 Bad Gateway On Authenticated Requests

Posted by lemcoe9 on Fri, 06/08/2018

When using the `/apitest/` web-based API tool, I am able to get valid REST API responses from Thirdlane Multi-Tenant. However, when making these requests from anywhere else (including authenticated requests from Postman and from a PHP curl script on the server itself, I get a 502 Bad Gateway error. Please find attached the Dev Tools headers from the successful web-based request, and also attached the 502 Bad Gateway response that appears in Postman when I attempt to pass Basic authentication.

Looking at the successful responses in the browser, I cannot see any differences between how those are being executed versus how my PHP script passes the base64-encoded Basic authentication.

What is the trick to getting passed the 502 Bad Gateway error when hitting /api/ endpoints on Thirdlane MT?

Thank you!