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Outbound calls not recording in my Database.

Posted by justin0550 on Fri, 12/08/2017

My Outbound calls can't records on my database but my Inbound calls can. I've tried all the possibilities i think of. I'm using SIP Trunk extensions.

From Outbound Routes > SIP Trunk > Extensions.
When i'm calling the extension number using bria professional it says "service unavailable".

Whenever my Outbound agents calls the PBX > Calls Recordings is empty and when i look to the ftp server the /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/ is empty too but when my Inbound agents answer the calls their Recordings appears on the Calls Recordings and on the monitor folder. Please help me solve this i've been stuck for a week on this problem

I can't find the solutions to the problem and i don't know how to fix this one because i'm new to linux programming language. i do hope a response, as easy as a beginner words.

I'll send you the logs and the extensions_additional.conf files if you need to see the configuration.

Submitted by volodya on Mon, 12/11/2017 Permalink


You mentioned extensions_additional.conf file. Is it a custom dialplan configuration file?