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What does Voicemail Retrieval Extension do?

Posted by brian on Tue, 08/24/2010


On special lines what does Voicemail Retrieval Extension do? The dropdown hasn't got anything in it.

I am looking after a customer requirement for 'multiple registrations' and thought this may direct when they dial voicemail to the correct extensions voicemail box.


Submitted by eeman on Tue, 08/24/2010 Permalink

only some phones support that option. its a value to tell the phone what feature code to dial when hitting the messages button. polycom don't do it that way, they have a setting in their device settings of the device itself, not the sip channel settings.

Submitted by moshe on Tue, 08/24/2010 Permalink

actually if there is a way to use ${EXT} and it should write the extension number without using the tenant ID than it would be doable

I was playing with that for a while but i couldn't figure it out on my own, anyone?


Submitted by moshe on Wed, 08/25/2010 Permalink

sorry i didn't explain myself there is a way to make it work in polycom phones if you put in polycom_local.cfg
where ${EXT} is only the extension number without the tenant name

Submitted by eeman on Wed, 08/25/2010 Permalink

thats entirely wrong..

the customer was asking what the webform does which adds vmexten= to sip.conf which is used by some phones (like snom) to tell snom what feature code to dial to reach the VoiceMailMain application.


using ${EXT} is stupid, some external proxies and all edgemarc devices will just route the call right back to you in an attempt to keep traffic it knows about routed internally. Calling your own extension really is the retarded way of accessing voicemailmain. BTW removing those two lines entirely will revert to polycom's default behavior (calling its own registered extension number). So changing the mode to contact from the defaulted 'registration' and then putting in the extension is ass-backwards since you've actually changed nothing.

the config should be


where there's a featurecode that will recognize *98 or _*98! using the tl-check-voicemail script. The script looks at the phone to determine mailbox number.