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What direction will Thirdlane go

Posted by aponnath on Tue, 09/28/2021

I am a bit confused and disappointed about what Thirdlane has turned out too. It was a product with good
potential but i guess lack of sales and revenue have turned it into a never ending development project.
It is great if you try to enhance a product but at some time you need to have a direction where you will go
with it. It does a lot but is short in many ways to deliver what people are looking for. Wouldn't it make sense
to open up the system to 3 party developers to go and enhance it to meet their customer needs then to force
them to use your closed system ? Also if Thirdlane would be more of an open eco system, others could contribute
to fixing and enhancing stuff. But as long as it lives in its small little world it will never get the option to reach its
full potential.
I have a laundry list of bugs from years ago which have not been fixed as of today and an open system would be
a good way to address that via git etc. An somewhat open approach does not mean free license but a way to openly
contribute to enhance and fix issues.