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Voicemail via user portal

Posted by brainstorm on Tue, 05/31/2011

I am an asterisk noobie, long time listener, first time caller. I have some users on a Thirdlane MT box that manage their voicemail via the user portal. I have two concerns:

1. Is the particular user's /tmp directory cleared out arbitrarily on any event such as system restart?
2. Is there a maximum amount of voicemail data that a user can keep stored on the server? If so, what is the limit, and how is the storage full event dealt with - both on the server and notification to user? Is the limit configurable?

Thanks and sorry if this has been answered before. I did a quick scrub of the admin guide and the forums here and didn't see anything along these lines.

Submitted by eeman on Thu, 06/02/2011 Permalink

thats more of an asterisk question.. most of that is covered in the voip-info wiki searching for the words

'asterisk voicemail.conf'

it will tell you all the configurable settings of voicemail