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Voicemail Limit

Posted by cchavez on Tue, 09/29/2009

Hello everybody, we are customers of thirdlane, and we have PBX Manager, my question is that i would like to know if it possible to limit the voicemail timing through the PBX Manager, it is very important because we manage about 300 customers and the pbx manager is being managed by our tech support team, and they doesnt know how to modify Asterisk through console.

Please let us know if you have some news.

Kind regards.


Submitted by George on Fri, 10/23/2009 Permalink


its all set in the voicemail.conf

; Maximum number of messages per folder. If not specified, a default value

; (100) is used. Maximum value for this option is 9999.


; Maximum length of a voicemail message in seconds


if you want to over ride an extension you can do it from the user extension and add the following to the Other options box
