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Thirdlane PBX is available

Posted by thirdlane on Tue, 12/16/2008

2008-12-14 Added Postfix SMTP address rewriting.
2008-12-13 Added defaults to Preferences screen when config data is not available.
2008-12-13 Added temporary patch to add ru_RU.UTF-8 to lang_list.txt Webmin file.
2008-12-12 Added Russian UTF-8 translation. Thanks Andrey.
2008-12-12 Changed commands for moving or copying files to ignore aliasing and changed options to get rid of the "deprecated" warning.
2008-12-12 Added Event Hooks to the default access control list. For existing installations administrators will have to add this (ora any other) permissions using Third Lane PBX Manager module settings in Webmin -> Webmin Users screen.

Submitted by cbbs70a on Tue, 12/16/2008 Permalink


As of 7:10 PM eastern time, the webmin module that I downloaded from the download page was still version 68, not 69. As a suggestion, can you name the downloaded files with the version number? What about a repository of older versions?



Submitted by thirdlane on Tue, 12/16/2008 Permalink

Sorry, now it has been uploaded.

I am considering versioning and a repository - just need to figure out a good way to mintain it.

Best regards,


Submitted by dbenders on Tue, 01/20/2009 Permalink

Alex, I asked it lot of times, i think is very very important. If you don't want to change the name of the file, maybe you can just add a version.txt file inside it, so we can download, decompress and then we know what version it is. Now we need to download, decompress, INSTALL, and then we know the version. And as you know, if we have a running server, the INSTALL is not a good idea to just know the version.