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Recording Calls

Posted by cbbs70a on Sun, 07/13/2008

This is what I have. I recorded a call between 2 extensions, 300 and 302. When I went into the user portal, (1) both users see the .wav file. (2) Neither one is able to listen to it, getting an error: Backup Error : You don't have permission to access this page.

I searched through the forums and saw that the permissions problem was addressed in an earlier release (I am running I have all file permissions and all processes set to asterisk:asterisk, except for webmin, which is running as root. From what I read, it seems that the first problem is a feature, rather than a bug? Is that true?

Submitted by eeman on Mon, 07/14/2008 Permalink

not sure about the specific problem but running asterisk as asterisk:asterisk is like partial circumcision. Unless you have a axe to grind and dont ever want QoS on your network, you need to run asterisk as root until they build in CapNetAdmin support to set tos bits when non-root.

are you getting this error in both IE and Firefox?

Submitted by cbbs70a on Tue, 07/15/2008 Permalink

Good point about file perms. Yes, I am getting the same error with IE and Firefox. I'm not sure what permissions the error message is talking about.

Submitted by George on Wed, 07/16/2008 Permalink

Something I notice, IF recording ALL calls both users can play the recordings. the problem seems to be with using #9
