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Recompiling Asterisk

Posted by cbbs70a on Tue, 04/21/2009

I have a question. If I use TL's ISO to build a system, what is the best way to recompile Asterisk?
I want to add a function that is in 1.6, but not 1.4. Recompiling on a development box was no problem, but I do not see the src code in the ISO. My concern is that I accidently leave out some customization that Alex put in.

Submitted by eeman on Tue, 04/21/2009 Permalink

his asterisk-addons were all 1.4 based (txfax, rxfax, valetparking). SpanDSP based apps are built into the core of asterisk in 1.6 and that just leaves valet parking which doesn't work with 1.6 but 1.6 is soon to support multi-context parking anyway. The new res_asterisk package from digium is worth a look, in 1.6 you can send/receive with T38 (barring every other T38 compatibility issue doesn't manifest). I would make sure that you aren't still using zaptel since that's a dead-end. They recently broke call parking in 1.6 so make sure that they got that fixed again or check a few older versions. The AMI between 1.4 and 1.6 is noticeably different, so some of the statistical add-ons in the ISO may not work for you, I can't say for sure. I am still waiting on the friggen isymphony crew to fix it for 1.6 which I am highly annoyed with since they didn't even begin working on the problem till 1.6 released despite a full 6mo of beta status to work out the compatibility problems.