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Parking with iSymphony in MTE

Posted by andrewyager on Tue, 10/13/2009


I'm quite sure this is an incredible simple issue, and it's more my tiredness that has caused me to mess it up.

When I park a call for using the iSymphony panel, I see the following in the asterisk log:

Executing [432114@isymphony-park:1] ParkAndAnnounce("SIP/hv01-outbound-0900d1f0", "|||from-inside-rwts|1003|1") in new stack
-- Dial Tech,String: (,(null))
-- Return Context: (from-inside-rwts,1003,1) ID: 0405152568
-- Started music on hold, class 'default-rwts', on SIP/hv01-outbound-0900d1f0
== Parked SIP/hv01-outbound-0900d1f0 on 701@parkedcalls. Will timeout back to extension [from-inside-rwts] 1003, 1 in 180 seconds
-- Added extension '701' priority 1 to parkedcalls
-- Call Parking Called, lot: 701, timeout: 0, context: from-inside-rwts
[Oct 14 01:18:54] WARNING[20258]: channel.c:3025 ast_request: No channel type registered for ''
[Oct 14 01:18:54] NOTICE[20258]: channel.c:2863 __ast_request_and_dial: Unable to request channel /(null)
[Oct 14 01:18:54] WARNING[20258]: app_parkandannounce.c:200 parkandannounce_exec: PARK: Unable to allocate announce channel.

and the call doesn't show up in the Parked Calls list.

What have I done wrong?


Submitted by eeman on Tue, 10/13/2009 Permalink

if its MTE, you cannot have this feature. Asterisk native Parking does not work in multi-tenant due to the nature of how it is designed. There have been some changes in 1.6.1.x that I have not had a chance to experiment with them, but since the lot name would differ for each tenant, the isymphony parking is likely still not possible but would have to see what variables are passed to asterisk when parking to make final determination (tenant name would have to pass for there to even be a chance). Even in this case it might not display a parked call inside the window since its not been programmed to watch other contexts.