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Network Settings not detecting all interfaces

Posted by cbbs70a on Thu, 05/29/2008

I have Asterisk and Thirdlane installed on a laptop that is using a wireless card. Under network settings, it is detecting the loopback and eth0, but NOT the wireless port (wlan0). Is this just me, or is this something that needs to be fixed?

Submitted by eeman on Thu, 05/29/2008 Permalink

not really a thirdlane issue... but if you are running ubuntu theres a bunch of different caveats to getting a wireless card to work, not withstanding hardware support, wep keys, etc.

I would check with the support forums of your distro to look into configuring your wireless card.

Submitted by cbbs70a on Thu, 05/29/2008 Permalink


I have no problem configuring the wireless card. Its been working like a charm for nearly a year. That particular computer is dual homed with a wireless port and an ethernet port. I'm just saying that I cannot see the wireless port in the PBX manager. Since the card is working, its not really that big of a deal. I just thought that I should bring this up in the forum that it is not visible in the PBX manager.
