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Linking Thirdlane to Switchvox

Posted by tketter on Wed, 07/22/2009

We currently use SwitchVox and i am looking at integrating thirdlane into our business in order to take advantage of the multi-tenant features.

I am trying to see if my Switchvox PBX can be linked to Thirdlane through a sip extension or by any other means. My goal would be to move our IP Trunk (currently on SV) to the Thirdlane server and past traffic off to the switchvox server when needed. We have a customer that we host their Switchvox server and they like the server and have it completely setup with extensions, calling q's, and reporting and they are not interested in changing at this time.

An alternative would be to place a gateway or router between my IP Trunk provider and my network and then direct calls between Thirdland and my SV as needed. Would anyone have a suggestion for an easy to manage, possibly free gateway?

Any assistance or direction would be greatly appreciated.

Submitted by eeman on Thu, 07/23/2009 Permalink

your latter idea is exactly what we do. We have a vanilla asterisk box that manages trunks and cdr for billing and then routes calles based on the DID to the appropriate boxes (thirdlane MTE, various STE boxes, customers using their own trixbox hack etc).