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CallerID lookup service

Posted by cbbs70a on Wed, 05/26/2010

Sorry if this is off topic, but a customer of mine is looking for a CallerID lookup service for cell phone numbers. He's looking for a service where he can enter a CallerID and get back a name and preferably an address. He's not against paying for the service, but the one he tried wants like $20-$30 PER number, plus it did not give him the address information. Like I said, he is willing to pay for the service, but it needs to be reasonably priced. Does a service for cell phone numbers even exist?

Submitted by eeman on Wed, 05/26/2010 Permalink

no, not very many cell phones actually have a CNAM entry. Mine does because its on a corp account with a bunch of other phones and they all have the same CNAM entry. Most personal cell phones are not in the CNAM database.

as far as address, unless someone has actually gone online to and cross-referenced this information I seriously doubt you will find it. Think about it, the only adress a cell phone is going to have is a billing address. What is the one thing they ask you to verify when you call in about your account? Seems like a end-run around security if they were to allow that information out.

Submitted by cbbs70a on Wed, 05/26/2010 Permalink

Yeah, I kind of figured as much, but my customer is pretty insistent when he wants to be. Now I can tell him that I looked into it and I received a good response.

Submitted by moshe on Wed, 05/26/2010 Permalink

due to internal business politics Verizon and one other large company (i thing sprint not sure though) are maintaining their own CNAM database, not sharing with VeriSign or any other CNAM database operator that's making it impossible to look up at all