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Backups using FTP

Posted by bup413 on Mon, 07/20/2009

I have another asterisk server that backups every night and dumps a copy on my FTP server. When I go to the backup section of Thirdlane MTE and select backup I keep getting ".. FTP upload failed : STOR /backup/test failed : Could not create file."
The user has full write access on the FTP server. Any thoughts?

Second, I want to keep copies every night, will each backup prepend a time stamp or something so it does not overwrite existing files?


Submitted by eeman on Mon, 07/20/2009 Permalink

I use them so I know the code itself works. You really didnt provide much more information to tell you much else. My money is on a PEBKAC error.

Submitted by naturopath on Thu, 07/23/2009 Permalink


Login to the ftp server using the username and pw you assigned to MTE. Use the pwd command to see your path. Make sure it is correct it MTE. I bet /backup/test is not correct. As for backups, you need to write a little script that will rename the file nightly using the current date and time.


Submitted by bup413 on Wed, 07/29/2009 Permalink

I confirmed via multiple FTP clients that I can login and upload and download files to the FTP account. In MTE under backup now I am doing the following:

Radio Check "FTP Server" =

FTP Login = thirdlane and password Passw0rd

File on FTP server (absolute path) /home/thirdlane/backup/

then I click Backup button


Backup complete, now uploading to FTP server ..

.. FTP upload failed : STOR /home/thirdlane/backup/ failed : Could not create file.

Back to backup/restore page

Submitted by bup413 on Thu, 07/30/2009 Permalink

I am sure. The FTP Server is a private FTP box that is on the private LAN only so it is not a fairly secure setup




The FTP SERVER then RSyncs to another offsite server every few hours.


Submitted by eeman on Thu, 07/30/2009 Permalink

definitely a PEBKAC error... the field wants a FILE on the server, not a damn directory. type this into the box and try it on for size

File on FTP server (absolute path) /home/thirdlane/backup/iamanidiot.tar.gz

Submitted by bup413 on Thu, 07/30/2009 Permalink

How did I miss that one! Just feel so stupid about that one!

Thanks for the patients!
