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Asterisk version version for MTE Call PArk feature

Posted by achampagne on Tue, 04/20/2010


We have decided to use combined with the MTE Platform since context aware (and not valet park) call park is mandatory for our customers (BLF on park slots require static tenant oark slots)

We are aware of issues with DTMF in 1.6.x and will have to live with those for now.

Since we will be using reinvite option on all tenants, We have decided on the following which seams to work great in our labs

1: Uncompressed G.711 will be using InBand DTMF and canreinvite=yes
2: Compressed G.729 will be using RFC2833 DTMF and canreinvite=no

I know that 1.6.x is still not production grade but besides this DTMF issue, which we seam to have a workaround for, we have found no other issues with this version. Can anybody comment on the use of 1.6 in production environment ?



Submitted by eeman on Tue, 04/20/2010 Permalink

if you use reinvite the other in call features wont work.. (recording, transfers, etc) as defined in Dial() and features.conf

all the call parking stuff has to be added manually per tenant at the moment.

BLF for parking only will work if you manually add those extensions into the local-extensions-tenant contexts.

try running the current RC2 .. its suggested that most DTMF fixes work there.

theres an across-the-board 1.6.x bug (except the latest RC2) where sockets weren't freeing up resulting in a denial of service per se as a result of no available ports to communicate over.