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Outbound Dialing Permissions

Outbound Dialing Permissions section is used to define rules controlling which destinations (specified as Destination Patterns) can be dialed from which endpoints (specified as Origination Patterns).

Dialing Permissions checking is disabled by default to avoid any overhead. In order to enable it you need a Global Dialplan Variable TL_CHECK_DIALING_PERMISSIONS to be set to 1. Removing this variable or setting TL_CHECK_DIALING_PERMISSIONS to 0 will disable checking of Dialing Permissions.

Outbound Dialing Permissions can be also set on a tenant level. System-wide permissions have higher priority. Calls are checked against the Tenant level permissions only if they pass the system-wide Outbound Dialing Permissions check.

Create/Edit Dialing Permissions

Outbound Dialing Permissions

Here you can enter one or more Destination Patterns (separated by commas) and optionally one or more Origination Patterns (also separated by commas) following standard Asterisk diaplan pattern rules. The "Action" will apply to calls made to destinations matching "Destination Patterns" by either all callers (if no "Origination Patterns" are specified) or the endpoints matching Origination Patterns.

Description. Specify a short description.

Origination Pattern(s). If omitted, will apply the rule to all outbound calls. A number or a pattern for outbound call caller id number matching. Accepts multiple values separated by a comma. If the first character is _ it means that whatever follows is to be treated as a pattern.

Destination Pattern(s). A number or a pattern for matching the outbound call number. Accepts multiple values separated by a comma. If the first character is _ it means that whatever follows is to be treated as a pattern.

Action. Defines what to do with the call if the conditions defined by patterns are met.

Possible actions are:

  • Deny. This will reject the call.
  • Allow. Proceed with the call.
  • Require Authorization Code. Request caller to enter a short numeric code.

Authorization Code. Code to authorize calls matching this pattern.