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XML Images,Services,Timezone and other questions

Posted by xenoscion on Wed, 10/22/2008

Hi am new to the Thirdlane community am rather impressed with the product (Unlimited Ext. PBX).
I am going through and getting used to the GUI as well as the file structure, and I have few questions.

1) We use exclusively Cisco phone's. I have noticed the XML services do not work. On further investigation I could not find a .XML file in the TFTP boot dir or in the entire distro. What am looking to do is A) Add a custom XML image for the LCD display B) Company Directory and Local Directory.
Do i have to append the SIPDefault.cnf to reference another? If so what would be the proper syntax?
In the past I have edited the 797x_template.cnf.xml but i cannot find a file like this.

2)As far as time zone settings I am probably blind but I cannot find a field to change this from 24hr to 12hr format, where would that setting be at?

3) Has anyone successfully bonded or bridged two nic's with webmin? If so how or point me in the right direction.

I have spent the better part of today searching the forums and primary Google but i could not find these answers. I could have missed them as today has been rather long. Thanks for any help in advance.

Submitted by xenoscion on Wed, 10/22/2008 Permalink

I have also noticed that when I dial extensions as our test trunk is not provisioned yet, that it displays the ext and the IP e.g. 1001@ How do I turn this feature off? While i think it is cool am trying to have as little as possible difference from the current system.