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Upgrading asterisk in MTE ISO Edition

Posted by naturopath on Thu, 03/12/2009


We are running PBX Manager MTE. We installed the iso, thirdlane-en-mt-1.9-i386.iso and
that has on it Asterisk I am using the trial version so the manager does not have any
upgrade features available.

I would like to upgrade to the latest asterisk version for 2 reasons.

1. To install app_valetpark for call parking features.

2. To get Asterisk which has an important security fix among other things.

The person that made the .iso did not leave the /usr/src/asterisk source tree or any other info on
how it was compiled.

So, how exactly should this go down so as to not mess everything up? When the iso is compiled do they install asterisk in any special way using certain settings or is it the basic straight install? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I plan on keeping up with asterisk updates within the 1.4 versions so I could really use some good advice here.

Should all of the following be installed?


or just some of the above?

Again, this is the multi tenant edition.

Thanks in advance,


Submitted by eeman on Thu, 03/12/2009 Permalink

app_valetpark broke in version 1.4.23, i fixed and submitted a patch the other day but the maintainer has not acknowledged my patch

zaptel - dont waste your time with legacy software, if its a new install you definitely want to use the DAHDI drivers instead.

are they still rolling up asterisk as non-root? if so you want to rebuild asterisk to run as root so that you can set the TOS headers correctly and keep good QoS.

Submitted by naturopath on Fri, 03/13/2009 Permalink

Hi Erik:

Thanks for the reply.

running process for asterisk on MTE ISO looks like:

root 2740 0.0 0.0 4528 652 ? S Feb25 0:00 /bin/sh /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk -U asterisk -G asterisk

asterisk 2746 0.1 0.3 31756 12856 ? Sl Feb25 29:51 /usr/sbin/asterisk -f -U asterisk -G asterisk -vvvg -c

I wish I compiled and installed asterisk and thirdlane from scratch. The iso makes me feel left out and at a loss.

So if app_valetpark broke in 1.4.23, what did you did to fix it? One of the reasons for the upgrade is to get parking working. I could always reinstall the current version and add valet to it I guess but if I'm going to do the work it makes sense to upgrade the version also.

Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks again,


Submitted by naturopath on Fri, 03/13/2009 Permalink

Hi Erik:

Thanks so much. Email is

I may just reinstall .22 with the app but I'll take a look at the patch and see how much has changed and decide then.

I assume the patch corrected all the issues or is anything not 100% at this point?

Following the thread at: it seems like dozment got parking working 100% for MT. From what you have found is one person able to park multiple calls and then can mutiple calls be retrieved from various extensions? Is the parking lot unique to each tenant and isolated from others? In that thread you mentioned:

"multi-context parking slots is coming in 1.6.1 btw. Ive seen the code in SVN. I asked Mark Spencer for this personally July 07, so I'm glad its finally coming."

which threw me a little. Also it concerns me that thirdlane didn't pre-intstall this with MT but rather put the script references in without the backend scripts. Does that mean it is problematic or just that it's a third party script that they can't include in something they are charging for without a license.

Thanks for sharing.


Submitted by dozment on Thu, 04/30/2009 Permalink

I have valet parking working in 1.4.23. I did an upgrade to 1.4.23 recently, and it seems to have worked with my existing app_valetpark source. I am only allowing one parked call per tenant. Using Erik's post here about Polycom softkeys as a template I was able to add Park and Unpark buttons to my Polycoms.