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Upgrading from 1.4 to 1.8

Posted by goliver on Tue, 05/17/2011

Just got off the phone with Digium and they informed me (I knew this already, but forgot about the date) that Asterisk 1.4 reached it's end of life last month. I want to upgrade to 1.8 but I'm curious how bad it will be.

Obviously, there's things in .conf files that I will need to go through and un-comment and things I will need to comment out but I don't know what those things are, and/or if there's something I need to do so that Thirdlane "knows" I'm using 1.8 and writes config files correctly through the admin or user portals. Presumably, the things I should un-comment are the ones marked ";;=Asterisk 1.6" and the things I should comment are the ones marked ";;=Asterisk 1.4" but, maybe not since 1.6 != 1.8 ? I'm not really sure.

Any advice that can be offered would be awesome. I have to do the upgrade soon, so it's going to happen one way or another. I'm just hoping for the least amount of trial-and-error as possible.

Submitted by justdave on Fri, 05/20/2011 Permalink

Thirdlane patches the configs for the version of Asterisk you're using when it installs the webmin module. I just upgraded from 1.4 to 1.8 last night on three of my boxes. All of them happened to have out-of-date Thirdlane PBX Manager modules on them. So I just told Thirdlane to update itself after upgrading asterisk, and it detected the new version and re-patched for it.

90% of the stuff just worked. There was one script I had to edit and comment out a 1.4 line and uncomment a 1.6+ line. I was about to file a bug report about a deprecation warning I'm getting in the inbound route config (it works, it just complains that the syntax is deprecated in the log)