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Unavailable extensions with no voicemail

Posted by andrewyager on Mon, 09/07/2009

We're doing a larger deployment of around 250 phones that do not have voicemail enabled by default.

One of the things we have noticed is that when you call a phone that is unavailable, the default behaviour in tl-userexten-base for an unavailble user is to play a ringing tone for 100 seconds.

Is there is a reason/convention why this is the case that I am not aware of? I would have thought a congestion tone would be more appropriate in this instance, or perhaps even to simply hang up?


Submitted by eeman on Tue, 09/08/2009 Permalink

how often are your phones unavailable?

around I made changes to tl-userexten-rg-base for some of the same reasons. If the phone is unavailable it should simply issue a Hangup(44) and the handset will play the appropriate tones..

here is the hangup codes I added to the rg-base script to send the correct signals..

_exten =>__previous Dial() command_

exten => s,n,Goto(dial-${DIALSTATUS},1)

exten => s,n,MacroExit

exten => dial-CHANUNAVAIL,1,Hangup(44)

exten => dial-CONGESTION,1,Hangup(34)

exten => dial-BUSY,1,Hangup(17)

exten => dial-CANCEL,1,Hangup(17)

exten => dial-NOANSWER,1,Hangup(18)

exten => dial-ANSWER,1,Hangup(16)

If you want to test them in and see how they integrate into tl-userexten-base be my guest. Let me know if they work as expected and I can see about getting it changed in future releases. Perhaps someone else asked that they mask the fact that the extension is unreachable? I'm sure it doesn't come up much since most people usually _do_ have voicemail. If the community thinks that obscuring the fact the phone is CHANUNAVAIL is the correct action to take, then you're best bet is to clone tl-userexten and tl-userexten-base. Have your tl-userexten call your cloned tl-userexten-base script and then use the new tl-userexten clone for the extension macro's.

Submitted by andrewyager on Tue, 09/22/2009 Permalink

To be honest; the most common request we have is that "if a user does not have voicemail, can it go back to extension X" - I would love this to be implemented; but your changes are exactly what we have done, and they are working well.