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Transfer to Voicemail Issue on no answer

Posted by bhallottawa on Fri, 04/30/2010


We seem to be having "random" occurances on our MTE PBX where when a phone is not in service, and the extension is dialed, it goes straight to voicemail (expected) but when the phone is plugged in and running and not answered the message "invalid extension" is played after the ring cycle when transfering to voicemail. the phone rings and you can answer it no problem - it's when you don't answer it that this happens. It's important to note that this phone was working fine yesterday but today it is misbehaving. asterisk -r reveals:

-- Executing [203-telixclear@from-inside-telixclear:1] Macro("Local/203-telixclear@from-inside-telixclear-36ef;2", "tl-set-variables2,from-inside-redir-telixclear,telixclear") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-set-variables2:1] Set("Local/203-telixclear@from-inside-telixclear-36ef;2", "__tenant=telixclear") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-set-variables2:2] Set("Local/203-telixclear@from-inside-telixclear-36ef;2", "CDR(userfield)=telixclear") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-set-variables2:3] Set("Local/203-telixclear@from-inside-telixclear-36ef;2", "__FROM_INSIDE=1") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-set-variables2:4] Set("Local/203-telixclear@from-inside-telixclear-36ef;2", "__MOH=default-telixclear") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-set-variables2:5] GotoIf("Local/203-telixclear@from-inside-telixclear-36ef;2", "1 ?setmoh") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-tl-set-variables2,s,7)
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-set-variables2:7] Set("Local/203-telixclear@from-inside-telixclear-36ef;2", "CHANNEL(musicclass)=default-telixclear") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-set-variables2:8] Goto("Local/203-telixclear@from-inside-telixclear-36ef;2", "from-inside-redir-telixclear,203-telixclear,1") in new stack
-- Goto (from-inside-redir-telixclear,203-telixclear,1)
== Channel 'Local/203-telixclear@from-inside-telixclear-36ef;2' jumping out of macro 'tl-set-variables2'
-- Sent into invalid extension '203-telixclear' in context 'from-inside-redir-telixclear' on Local/203-telixclear@from-inside-telixclear-36ef;2
-- Executing [i@from-inside-redir-telixclear:1] Playback("Local/203-telixclear@from-inside-telixclear-36ef;2", "invalid") in new stack
-- Local/203-telixclear@from-inside-telixclear-36ef;1 answered SIP/
-- Playing 'invalid.gsm' (language 'en')
-- Executing [i@from-inside-redir-telixclear:2] Hangup("Local/203-telixclear@from-inside-telixclear-36ef;2", "") in new stack

Submitted by bhallottawa on Fri, 04/30/2010 Permalink

- Call forwarding is not enabled on this extension
-it is a multi device extension - but all devices are disconnected except for the primary phone
- in the past a quick fix was to delete the extension and recreate it - this didn't work in this circumstance
- this has happened with other extension previously and it appeared to "automagically" go away

To troubleshoot
- deleted and recreated the extension
- restarted the pbx
- disconnected other devices
- upgraded to latest Thirdlane version

open to ideas / suggestions


Submitted by bhallottawa on Fri, 04/30/2010 Permalink

This appears to be a problem with the find me / follow me function
- This user had entries in there and then deleted them and turned the function off.

I am wondering where this information is stored - perhaps there are some remnants left behind that need to be deleted?


Submitted by bhallottawa on Tue, 05/04/2010 Permalink

Hi Erik;
Thanks for the command - I did have a look here but can't find anything userful.

I have determined that any client who "turns on call forwarding" and then turns it off, when a transfer to voicemail occurs - get a message "the extension is invalid"

I'm sure others must have run into this - any suggesitons?


Submitted by bhallottawa on Tue, 05/11/2010 Permalink

Nobody has run into this issue? it happens EVERY time one of my tenant's extensions are forwarded to another number and then canceled.


Submitted by bhallottawa on Tue, 05/11/2010 Permalink

it happens when a call comes in and there is no answer on the phone - the message "invalid extension" plays

If I simply unplug the phone it works fine.


Submitted by moshe on Tue, 05/11/2010 Permalink

I had a similar issue when the phone was mistakenly forward to a invalid number and all the calls got the greeting you have reached a invalid extension.

I was trying to trouble shoot it for days until I figure out that it is the forward on the phone it self

I'm not saying you are having the same issue just worth to look into

Submitted by eeman on Wed, 05/12/2010 Permalink

we had a customer insist that one of his phones wasn't working because when you dialed his extension from the IVR it would say 'invalid extension'

when I got in to look at it i realized 2 things

1) his phone actually rang 3 times before 'invalid' which means dialplan worked getting to his phone

2) his phone was doing forwarding of its own using the 'call forward no answer' option so after 3 rings it forwarded the call to his cell. Except that he had an extra digit in his phone number so it was invalid.

if that wasn't enough he insisted that he was NOT forwarding his phone despite having empirical proof that his device issued a 'temporarily moved' message to the pbx that I could see plain as day in the CLI.

this is where polycom AND ftp provisioning comes in *real handy*.. polycom phones, in ftp provisioning method, will upload their contacts and custom settings they apply to their phone. So I checked his overrides file (macaddr-phone.cfg) and showed him the number he had set, and that it was enabled.

Submitted by bhallottawa on Wed, 05/12/2010 Permalink

Thanks for all your suggestions.

Here is what we did today

1) on the effected phone, we took it off line and programmed an Identical phoone.
- When no phone was hooked up, it would go immediately to voicemail
- when the new phone OR the old phone was on line, it would ring 4 times (expected) and then play invalid extension message

2) We completely deleted the extension and re-did (had to do it under the same number)
- same senario as above.
