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Tie CDR to Call Recordings

Posted by andrewyager on Wed, 09/29/2010


Does anyone have any smart/fancy strategies to tie a CDR record with the corresponding call recording?

Could we tag the recording filename(/set of filenames) in the user-field CDR data for instance without seriously breaking Thirdlane?


Submitted by eeman on Sat, 10/09/2010 Permalink

userfield is reserved for tenant name

one option would be to tie the uniqueid of the call (always unique) to the file, perhaps by including it in the filename, but the problem with that is that I don't know what dialplan function has the uniqueid of the call.

Submitted by eeman on Sun, 10/10/2010 Permalink

appears its now ${CDR(uniqueid)},

as far as it showing up in the CDR, in 1.4 you had to specially compile support to log unique id into the CDR but in 1.6.2.x its there by default. In cdr.conf you would set loguniqueid=yes to take care of the csv logs. The biggest problem with this would be the sheer number of record checks when displaying call records. For every CDR entry the cgi would have to check to see if a recording exists in the monitor directory (or one of the other recording directories) and then create an html link for that file if it does.