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Thirdlane MTE Web GUI hangs for almost a minute on login or refresh

Posted by matthewmalk248 on Tue, 11/03/2015

Hi gang, I was hoping someone on the forums could shed some light as I don't know who else to turn to. I'm not getting replies from support or BlueGrassNetworks (I'm willing to pay for help!)

Installed Thirdlane MTE and installed a license a few weeks ago after deciding we would be selling Thirdlane to clients from now on, updated to when it came out and added myself and another tenant. Noticing that when I log in as admin or he logs in as his tenants admin, there's a huge delay in page load and it locks us out of clicking on anything for almost a minute. This seems to happen anytime I either log into the site (or going to TL from WebMin), switching between tenants, or simply refreshing the page on my current tenant. I suspect it's possibly the system monitor charts and I think I see the JavaScript plugin called HighCharts which might be causing the problem.

Anyone ever have this issue?

Submitted by Lucas Stutesman on Wed, 11/04/2015 Permalink

I'm on and I have to refresh the log in page often, but other than that I don't have any loading issues. I am using chrome and firefox. Does this happen using all browsers or just specific ones?

Submitted by matthewmalk248 on Wed, 11/04/2015 Permalink

Seems to be all major browsers, IE, Chrome, FF. I notice that if I completely wipe out my cache, it seems to prevent the hang, but only for that first time loading :/

Submitted by matthewmalk248 on Thu, 11/05/2015 Permalink

ick , i tried using the backticks for the code as specified in MarkDown syntax and it appearntly didnt work and Now i can't edit my post! Sorry for the massive post! :(

Submitted by thirdlane on Mon, 11/09/2015 Permalink


If you don't mind I could delete the post :)

Submitted by matthewmalk248 on Tue, 11/10/2015 Permalink

Hey Alex, how should I contact you? I just realized I have sent quite a few emails with no reply, don't know if I'm sending them to the correct place?

Submitted by thirdlane on Tue, 11/10/2015 Permalink

Matt, I deleted your large post.

Still don't know what could be causing this - does this happen all the time or just sometimes and randomly?

Could you please send us an ip of your server?

my email alex at