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Polycom 650 BLF Issue

Posted by playmaker66 on Tue, 09/21/2010

Hello we currently have a client who is using Polycom 650 phones. The issue we are having is when their company is receiving an outside call, the BLF doesn't light up red on other users phones to show that that user is currently taking a call. The phones work properly in lighting up red when calls are made from extension to extension inside the company though.

Submitted by playmaker66 on Mon, 10/04/2010 Permalink

Thank you for the reply Alex. We are currently running Asterisk version Also here is the current config for one of the extensions we have set to buddy watch. Also, presence is already checked as "1" or enabled.

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
< directory >
< item_list >
< item >
< fn >MARK APPS< /fn >
< ct >201< /ct >
< sd>1
< bw>1
< lb>Mark APPS
< /item >
< item >
< ct>101
< sd>2
< bw>1
< lb>Mark LAW

< ct>102
< sd>5
< bw>1
< lb>Maryanne
< /item>

< fn>MEGAN
< sd>3
< bw>1
< lb>Megan

< ct>103< /ct >
< sd>4
< bw>1
< lb>Natalie
< /item>
< /item_list>
< /directory>

Sorry for having to add a space in between <> for some reason the tags wouldn't show up if I didn't put the space between them.

Submitted by eeman on Sat, 10/09/2010 Permalink

there is not enough information to diagnose the problem. Most likely chan_local is involved but there is no evidence on how the call actually reaches the extension. Is it adirect dial, a huntlist, an ivr where they dialed the extension.. etc.

Submitted by xxot on Thu, 02/24/2011 Permalink

I have a weird thing with BLF on Soundpoint 650: it works but it shows wrong incoming caller ID for monitored line. To example, phone has BLF on extension 1234. When someone call on 1234 BLF is blinking and shows me call: "To: 1234@" and "From: 1234" i.e. instead of caller ID in the field "from" it shows me dest. extension. It happens even with calls from local extensions. Does it default thirdlane behavior or I have shit in settings? Is it possible to control data in "From" and "To" fields? Users actually don't need "@" info

Submitted by hangman on Fri, 04/15/2011 Permalink


Have you been able to resolve the issue you have with the wrong incoming caller id? I have the exact same problem and am wondering if it's related to the firmware version I'm using. I am using version Any help would be appreciated.


Submitted by eeman on Fri, 04/15/2011 Permalink

are you using our configs or your own? it looks like something referred to as url dialing, which we generally disable. BTW 3.3.0 firmware is not supported by the TL templates. they have totally re-structured the provisioning files and use different template files now. I would highly highly recommend staying with the 3.2.x branch for now as that is still being maintained by polycom. I saw nothing in 3.3.x design that made it something that warranted the 50 - 60 hrs I would spend playing with it to make it integrate into the TL provisioning template system as of now so its on the back burner for me.

Submitted by hangman on Fri, 04/15/2011 Permalink

Sorry about that. I should have been more specific with my environment. I'm actually not using your product and just using scratch asterisk. I've been scouring the internet trying to find a resolution to the problem I reported and came across this website with xxot's problem he reported. I was hoping maybe someone or xxot had figured out why the BLF wasn't displaying the caller id of the original caller instead of the monitored extension.

Submitted by xxot on Fri, 04/15/2011 Permalink

Unfortunately. Asterisk version 1.8 has the same issue. In the NOTIFY message asterisk sent next xml data, which is responsible for the callerID (ext 3891 is calling to 3892. This NOTIFY addressed to ext 3893 which is monitor 3892):

<?xml version="1.0"><dialog-info xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:dialog-info" version="12" state="full" entity="sip:3892@"><dialog id="3892" direction="recipient">\012&ltstate>early</state&gt\012</dialog>\012</dialog-info>\012

I don't know how to edit this message. It is obviously asterisk issue, but I have no enough time and experience for edit source code of asterisk. If you (or someone else) have enough desire you may search by keywords "xml version" in source code and try to fix it.