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Extension to Extension Calling

Posted by aaplusleads on Wed, 09/17/2008

Hello, newbie here. I can not seem to call another extenion. Mine is 6000 and I am trying to call 6002. Both extensions work. Am I doing something wrong.


Submitted by raven on Mon, 09/22/2008 Permalink

If you can't call another extension, it's obviously not working. Pick up and call the same phone extension you are using and see if you can access its voicemail box, if not, well, your phone is down. Some phones like Polycoms offer dialtone even when they are not registered. The first thing you have to figure out is: 'Is the phone registered?'. Look at the PBX Info page in the GUI and see if they are listed. Registration requires you know how to set the authentication with IDs and passwords in the system and on the phone. You will need to read manuals on both. Try to work it out, then if you have specific questions on specific phones, log them here.

Submitted by olekaas on Mon, 10/13/2008 Permalink

I have that exact problem: Calling local extensions does not work, while calling ivr or moh works fine. Tracing back through config files it appears that local extension isn't created under [local-extensions-some_tenant]. Instead they are created under [agent-extensions-some_tenant]. Using my favorite editor I moved stuff around and local calling is now working. However when I create a new extension it is still placed under agents.

I'm running TL on Debian etch with Asterisk 1.4.21

What puzzles me is that it works as it should on the demo setup I made with the ISO install also with

Any ideas what goes wrong?
