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CALLPICKUPMARK loses global scope...

Posted by phauwert on Tue, 12/08/2009

When setting a feature code to use the TL-Directed-CallPickup script, we notice that PICKUPMARK is empty... Yes.. we are invoking the feature code while another extension IS ringing. You can see the PICKUPMARK being set from TL-STDEXTEN but Directed Call Pickup doesn't seem to see it. Any thoughts?

Submitted by phauwert on Thu, 12/10/2009 Permalink

Running 1.4.26-RC5. Watching asterisk monitor... On dialed extension stdexten script shows __PICKUPMARK being set with (some ext - some tenant) which is correct...

However when dialing *88NNN to pick it up the TL-Directed-Callpickup script echos back "PICKUPMARK" instead of what should have been the globally set value of PICKUPMARK.

exten => s,n,Pickup(${MACRO_EXTEN:${ARG1}}${TL_DASH}${tenant}@PICKUPMARK)

Hope this helps.

Submitted by eeman on Thu, 12/10/2009 Permalink

then you probably have a bad version of asterisk.. you shouldnt be using release candidates anyway. Upgrade to and see if the problem continues.