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Call Parking - Some help Please

Posted by brian on Thu, 10/07/2010

Hello All,

I am using TL Single Tenant..

Asterisk 1.4.22

I am probably doing this wrong so please don't shout!

To get parking to work I added:

At the bottom of [local-extensions]

;Parked Calls

exten => 701,hint,park:701@parkedcalls
exten => 702,hint,park:702@parkedcalls
exten => 703,hint,park:703@parkedcalls
exten => 704,hint,park:704@parkedcalls
exten => 705,hint,park:705@parkedcalls
exten => 706,hint,park:706@parkedcalls

I also add:

include => parkedcalls

into [from-inside-redir]

in extensions.conf

Parking works and parking hints works too..

Is this the correct way to do this?

Also - I need badly to modify the alert-info and to prepend [Parked Call] to calls that timeout and come back to the parkee. How do I achieve this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Parked calls now work and hints work.

Submitted by eeman on Sat, 10/09/2010 Permalink

to answer your first question, yes that is setup correctly. The only way to acheive the second question is to alter the C code of asterisk, as dialplan is no longer involved in that process. Is it the alert-info you wish to alter or the CALLERID(name) ? either way would have to modify the parking functions themselves.

Submitted by brian on Sun, 10/10/2010 Permalink

Thanks Erik,

I would like to do either - append PK- to the CLI coming back to the parkee or add alert-info ringtonename into the SIP message so it is a different ringtone for returning calls.

I may take a look at the source later as this is a bit of a show stopper for this company. They park calls constantly and when it's not picked up they need to know its a parked call..

Thanks for your time.


Submitted by eeman on Sun, 10/10/2010 Permalink

in single tenant you *might* be able to make use of this feature setting in features.conf

;comebacktoorigin = yes
; Whether to return to the original calling extension upon parking
; timeout or to send the call to context 'parkedcallstimeout' at
; extension 's', priority '1' (default is yes).

the trick then would be to set your headers in this context, but knowing who to ring back would be a challenge unless you always want to ring back the same extension.

another option is to not use the default parking as defined by including 'parkedcalls' but rather make your own parking design based on the use of the Park() application. You'd still have to include parkedcalls but your parking extension would be some other macro extension number. If you want to keep 700 you'd have to then alter features.conf to declare a different parkext value. from here you can specify both the return context and return extension. Your custom code could include something like

exten => _X.,1,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: )
exten => _X.,n,Goto(from-inside-redir,${EXTEN},1)