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Call order for Queue is not functioning as expected

Posted by brenden on Thu, 12/20/2012


We are running PBX Manager through and I have some support queries. I have asked a number of queries to their support who seem to be upset when you email or ask them a question and keep saying to read their online help without actually assisting in the query. A great idea except their online help is lacking detail and not even addressing the question asked in support.

That said, I am finding the Thirdlane solution excellent and enjoyable to use. I hope to resolve my support issues with Faktortel so I can stay with their solution and thus thirdlane otherwise before our 30 day money back period ends we'll need to consider moving to a company with better support.

I have a new query I am hoping the members of this forum can assist with.

I have created some call queues using "Round Robin (roundrobin) and added members to the 'Static Queue Members' using the Penalty setting. i.e.

I assume penalty 1 calls first, then penalty 2, 3, etc.

Agent time out: 15 secs
Agent retry: 5 secs

With these settings only agent gets the call and the system continues to retry that agent over and over without trying other agents.

Is there another way to configure the queue so the behavior is as such:

Call order:

... then repeat

... then repeat ... etc

Call each agent for the total of 15 seconds, then move onto the next agent, and repeat until an agent answers.

Many thanks in advance for your assistance and suggestions.


Submitted by eeman on Sun, 12/23/2012 Permalink

asterisk penalties only will move to the next tier when all agents are actually in use. Its assumed that in a regular call center if an agent isnt answering a call he is in deep shit (to be blunt). In order to get the teiring system to work like you suggest you would need to enable auto-logout so that the agent is removed from the queue when they fail to answer the call. Otherwise what you should probably do is use queues inside hunt lists with absolute timeouts and setup 2 queues so that when group A fails to answer, group B queue gets the call next.