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Bad Entry in extensions.include

Posted by IVSCOMM on Wed, 08/28/2013

Whenever I add a new tenant I have to go and manually fix the extensions.include file. Thirdlane adds the

include => parkedcalls-Tenant line to the end of the -redir section instead of the beginning.

Bad Sample how my thirdlane does it:
include => local-extensions-Team
include => feature-extensions-Team
include => outgoing-emergency-Team
include => outgoing-unrestricted-Team
include => outgoing-Team
include => parkedcalls-Team <<<<< parkedcalls-Team <<<<< local-extensions-Team
include => feature-extensions-Team
include => outgoing-emergency-Team
include => outgoing-unrestricted-Team
include => outgoing-Team

Then I have to restart asterisk . Park won't work for that tenant until I do this.

How do I fix this so it does it right the first time?

Submitted by IVSCOMM on Wed, 08/28/2013 Permalink

include => local-extensions-Team
include => feature-extensions-Team
include => outgoing-emergency-Team
include => outgoing-unrestricted-Team
include => outgoing-Team
include => parkedcalls-Team ***Wrong spot***

include => parkedcalls-Team ***Right spot***
include => local-extensions-Team
include => feature-extensions-Team
include => outgoing-emergency-Team
include => outgoing-unrestricted-Team
include => outgoing-Team

Submitted by eeman on Thu, 08/29/2013 Permalink

it should work, even down there, unless you have already assigned extensions 700 701 702 703 and 704 somewhere in your dialplan. I use call parking all the time without having to make that adjustment.