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asterisk time

Posted by Jasril on Wed, 02/16/2011

i was testing a wake up call type feature today, but when i went to set what time asterisk would call me it was about a minute and 30 seconds late.... so i then checked the time stamps on voicemails, which also seem to be off (although they were 7 minutes and 30 seconds early)...

is there anyway to get asterisk to use the correct time to the minute at least?

thanks for the help

Submitted by Jasril on Wed, 02/16/2011 Permalink

ok upon further testing, the calls are also 7:30 late, not 1:30....

Submitted by justdave on Wed, 02/16/2011 Permalink

7 minutes 30 seconds or 7 hours 30 minutes? If it's 7 hours 30 minutes, then it's probably a timezone thing. Asterisk is probably using UTC instead of your local timezone. There's probably someplace you need to set the timezone.

Submitted by eeman on Thu, 02/17/2011 Permalink

asterisk uses system time.. if you somehow have a time discrepancy between system time and what asterisk can see you've done something horribly wrong somewhere. Is this a real server with a realtime clock or is this a virtual machine?