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Am I the only one here?

Posted by IVSCOMM on Thu, 01/05/2012

I have posted the last three questions in the last 3 days. Either my questions are stupid and I don't deserve a response or I am the only one here.

Apparently Stupid question #4

I have two car dealerships in two different cities but they share the same system in Thirdlane MTE (ext to ext dialing)
Right now they share the call park feature between both facilities.
Can I separate the Call Park feature by changing the call park name to something other than the tenant name?
So Car Dealer A and all their extensions uses the default parkinglot of the tenant DealerA
context => parkedcalls-DealerA
parkingtime => 180
parkext => 700
parkpos => 701-703
findslot => next

and I create another parkinglot called DealerB that is not a tenant on the system. I would also change the sip.conf and extensions.conf accordingly.

context => parkedcalls-DealerB
parkingtime => 180
parkext => 700
parkpos => 701-703
findslot => next

Would that work?